Stage 3: Build a movie website

Abstraction and using fuctions

  1. Abstraction: it is the ability to use an existing function without knowing exactly how it works
  2. In the Python standard library, several folders can be loaded: "import webbrowser", "import time"
  3. These folders then give us access to various functions such as"url")or time.sleep(number_of_seconds)


Classes are like factories that contain the blueprints of an object as well as the means of implementing this object. Their purpose is really to make life easier for programmers by taking full advantage of the Abstraction principle. It looks like the way to use classes in Python is done by using the following grammar: instance.function(parameter)From we have seen, we can

  1. Draw turtles
  2. send text messages through an API
  3. Edit profanities

In this lesson we have spent a lot of time investigating the Python Standard Library - that contains built-in functions as well as modules such as "time", "webbrowser", turtle", "os", "random" and "urllib", that can be imported in order to add functionality to our code. We also looked at third party libraries - like the Twilio library ("") - that can be added to add even more functionality.

Here is a list of useful commands learned so far:

Also, here is is a list of new words:

Also, a few words about good practice: